segunda-feira, 18 de outubro de 2010

20:24 (2)

She felt the first drop of rain and covered her head with her arms. Damn, she would need a sweater. She started to run. Passing by a barbers shop she found protection from the water there. She looked through the window to the colourful walls and handsome boys and haristyles posters.
She wondered about her life. How her father used to go to Patricks for a hair cut. It was very similar to this shop. Maybe a little more blue-ish. How he always got home smeling of aftershave.
She shook her head chasing away those thoughts. She had a mission and needed to keep going. She resumed her walking as the rain thined and eventually stopped.
It was still very strange to think about what she had to do. First of all, she didn't understand the orders right away. Second... It was so easy, why was it feeling so strange now?
She worked for Ms. Ellis. She had called her several times the last few years. Deliver this, go get that, make a phone call to this number at this time.
She knew, it was suspicious and probably, Ms. Ellis was connected with some major drug business or some kind of mafia. In truth, she needed the money. And she pays. Oh if she pays. 
Ms Ellis lived in one of these fancy rich neighbourhoods outside the main district. She drove an SUV because, she said: ' drivers will only slow us down when you really need them to be fast and efficient'. Andrea also felt she owed it to the woman to do these little favours. It had been her who saved her father from bankrupcy. Not on purpose. At least not that she knew. Until the afternoon she met her.

They were at this little caffe downtown. A cozy little caffe with pastel colours and light paintings. Ms Ellis was using a beije business suit and an absurdly expensive brown and gold Prada handbag. Andrea's father had called her to to meet Ms Ellis beacuse he had a cough. He always had had lung problems. She agreed. It was on her way home from the university and classes were over for the day.
She remebered feeling shabby with her jeans and bordeaux halter top, while standing seated in front of the classy woman. Ms Ellis appeared to be in her thirties, with weavy brown hair and classic makeup.
She told her she needed to buy her fathers drugstore. Mr. Ronald had worked there all his life, but the business had been very low since five years ago. He hardly made any profit since then, and only kept the store because it was already paid for and he needed to do something in order to feel healthy. 'What am I going to do with these old lungs? Nobody woukd hire me kid', he often said to her.
So she got a job. Her father didn't allow her to pay for his bills - 'the moment I don't have money to eat, then we will have a problem, for now, I'm good' - but now, she payed for her own things.
She had been studying languanges and literature. Not a very profitable future, but she had confidence in her skills. Maybe someday she would even write a book! For now, she had just been granted an internship at book editor company.
Ms Ellis, apparently, knew who she was the moment she opened the door. The woman  greeted her with a small smile and a short nod.
- I've been thinking about buying your fathers property.
Well, talk about being direct,
- I know he's been living there for a long time and the shop is his pride. But let's face it. I know the market is bad. Ehy not think about it?
She presented a paper. A very tinny paper for the number that was scribbled.
Andrea tilted her head and headed home.

Ms Ellis presented them a house. Mr. Ronald was thrilled. He could retire. Nevertheless, Andrea found it strange and tried to convince him to look somewhere else. But just like that, everything started to be very exepensive or already taken. Mr. Ronald decided to take the place.
Ms Ellis was pleased to help. Afterall, she had just put someone out of work without endangering his situation.
Andrea, still not confortable with the deal, went to open the door on a sunday afternoon. Her father was playing poker with his friends and she had some research to do. It was few months after the moving. Ms Ellis was there. With a red designer suit. Again, Andrea tugged at her clothes, pretending she didn't care what the woman thought.
- I remembered you last week. Did you know I own Klein's Books and The Merge?
The Merge was a huge company, that selled about everything cultural. Books, Cinema, Music. The Merge was even the company that bought the theatres in the district and was now known to be expanding to other areas.
- I understand you are currently enrolled in the internship on Klein's?
- I am, I've started some time ago.
- Perfect, do you like it ther?
- Yes ma'am.
- Good, good, have you met Shane Carols? The directors assistant? - Andrea nodded 
After that, they talked about trivial things. 'She could be an add for politness', Andrea thought. Every sentence was delivered in the right tone, with the expected reaction. Still, she kind of liked the woman.
She sounded in need to be perfect or something Andrea couldn't explain. Maybe it was the cost of living in a perfect world, she thought.
After that afternoon, the tension flattened and Andrea started to talk on a irregular basis with Ms Ellis. Always calling her by Ms Ellis and the woman always calling her Andrea. The respect was there. Andrea knew her place.

One day, Ms Ellis called her. And asked her if she could keep her cat in Andrea's house.


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